Golden Pineapple Tart

Golden Pineapple Tart" Indulge in the sweet tradition of Chinese New Year with the irresistible allure of Golden Pineapple Tart. Experience the perfect blend of buttery, melt-in-the-mouth pastry crumb embracing a sweet and tangy pineapple jam filling – just pure delight in every bite!
A cherished cookie that brings joy and prosperity to every festive celebration. 🍍✨

click to watch on youtube

Golden Pineapple Tart
Ingredients: For Pastry:
300 g All-purpose flour 300 g Cornstarch 150 g Condensed milk 1 Egg yolk 1 tbsp Vanilla extract 1 tsp Baking powder 250 g Butter Ingredient: For Egg Wash: 4 Egg yolks 2 tablespoon milk 1 tbsp Corn oil Prepare Egg Wash: In a bowl, mix together the egg yolks, milk and corn oil. Strain the mixture to remove any impurities. Set aside. Method: 1. Prepare the Pineapple Jam Filling: (Mine is store ready bought) Shape Pineapple Jam filling into a @6 gram each ball, cover it with plastic wrap. Until as needed. Note: You can either make the pineapple jam from scratch 2. Make the Pastry Dough: a. In a large mixing bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, cornflour, baking powder, condensed milk, egg yolk, and vanilla extract. b. Add softened butter to the dry ingredients and use your fingertips to rub the butter into the flour until a dough is formed. c. Shape the dough into @10gram each ball, cover it with plastic wrap, and let it chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. 3. Assemble the Pineapple Tarts: a. Take a 10 gram pastry dough and roll it into a ball. b. Flatten the ball and shape it into a small disk using your hands c. Place a pineapple jam in the center of the disk. d. Fold and seal the edges to form a ball again, ensuring the pineapple jam is enclosed within the pastry. 4. Bake: a) Preheat your oven to 160°C. b) Place the assembled tarts on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. c) Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes remove from oven, d) Brush tarts with the prepared egg wash for a golden, shiny finish. Continue baking until tarts are golden brown. 5. Cool and Enjoy: Allow the pineapple tarts to cool on a wire rack. Once cooled, store them in an airtight container. Note: Adjust the baking time based on your oven and the desired level of browning. Enjoy your homemade Golden Pineapple Tarts!

Dahlia/ Semprit Cookies


Dahlia or Semprit Cookies
250gm butter-softened
170ml Condense Milk
500 gram Cornstarch
2 tbsp vanilla essence
1 teaspoon baking powder.
Decoration: Red or Green Cherry which is the normal or as own preference.
1. Mixed all the ingredient in a mixing bowl fold until well combine.
2. Gradually add in the sifted plain flour and knead until you get a very soft dough.
3. Use nozzle to pipe out flower shape cookies.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 160C fan forced for 20 -25 minutes.
5. Leave it to cool before storing in a container.

Decoration: Red or Green Cherry which is the normal or as own preference.

Beef Shakshuka


Beef Shakshuka
Shakshuka with ground beef using Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a delightful and wholesome dish that harmoniously blends flavor and health choice. For those seeking both delicious flavors and nutritional benefits it has good high antioxidants, rich monounsaturated Fats, antioxidant properties, flavors aroma contributing to a heart-healthy dish.
Let’s start eating healthier using Bertolli Olive Oil, Let's dig it.

Shakshuka Recipe:                                  

2 tbsp Bertollin Extra oil
1 medium onion, peeled and diced
3 clove garlic, minced
1 slice Beef (minced).
8 Tomato cherries
5 tbsp tomato paste
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp Coriander powder

Salt, sugar and pepper, to taste
3 eggs
1/2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley (optional, for garnish)
Feta Cheese.
Waffles - Store Bought)

Note: Add some water for runnier gravy.

Grill Teriyaki Chicken.


Grill Teriyaki Chicken.
Make it at Home With This Easy and Delicious Recipe! Sweet and sour with an umami flavour that hits the tastebuds, Tender it is, with moist and juicy yummy delicious. It's easy and quick preparation. Serve with vegetables and Fusilli pasta on the side also makes it a healthy dish to be enjoyed by all. To prepare a tasty, quick but Restaurant Teriyaki Chicken Recipe, the secret lies in Kikkoman Teriyaki Thick Sauce. So yummy delicious we finished this in no time. Let's enjoy.

Grill Teriyaki Chicken.
1 whole chicken ( 1.5 kg)      
100 grams Fusilli Tricolor Pasta
1/2 Brocolli
salt and olive oil
Butter and Honey
Ingredient: For Decorations
Cherry Tomatoes, Green Coral lettuce and Lemon
Toasted white sesame seeds
Bring sufficient water to a boil. Add in 1/2 teaspoon salt and Fusilli Tricolor Pasta (boil as per instruction from the packet) once it is done drizzle some olive oil and set aside. 
Bring sufficient water to a boil add oil, salt, parboil brocolli 2 second, dish up and set aside .
Ingredient: Teriyaki Seasoning for marinating chicken
4 tablespoon Teriyaki Sauce
1 teaspoon Garlic powder
2 tablespoon pounded Ginger juice
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon Kikkoman Soy Sauce.
2 tablespoon water
(Mix and combine all these ingredient in a bowl )
Rub teriyaki seasoning inside out over chicken until well coated. Keep in zip log backs Refrigerate 8 hours or overnight, turning bag over occasionally. Place marinated chicken in a large shallow baking pan. Bake in 350ºF. oven 45-50 minutes.
For an excellent flavor brush teriyaki sauce and butter from time to time on the chicken until fully bake. And we are ready to serve.
Ingredient: For glazing
1 tablespoon Teriyaki Sauce
2 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoon butter
(Mix in a bowl until well comebine.)

Note: Ajust salty and sweetness base on your own preference.

Salted Eggs Curry Golden Prawn Ball.


Salted Eggs Curry Golden Prawn Balls: A Flavor Symphony
Elevate your table with these delightful Golden Prawn Balls. Prawns marinated in Seri Aji Perencah Kari meet a blend of mashed potatoes and salted eggs, creating a flavorful harmony. Coated in breadcrumbs, each bite is a crispy revelation with Seri Aji Perencah Kari adding an authentic curry touch, so yummy delicious. Let's dig it, This dish promises smiles & satisfaction in every bite.

Salted Eggs Curry Golden Prawn Balls

10 prawns, peeled and deveined
3 tbsp Seri Aji Perencah Kari
300 grams mashed potatoes
20 grams of salted egg powder
sufficient white breadcrumbs for coating and cooking oil for frying.

Marinate the Prawns:
In a bowl, combine prawns with Seri Aji Perencah Kari, ensuring an even coating.
Allow marinating for at least 10 mins to let the flavors infuse.
Prepare the Mashed Potatoes:
Mix well-mashed potatoes with salted egg powder and additional Seri Aji Perencah Kari.
Take a spoonful of mashed potato mixture and flatten it in your hand.
Place a marinated prawn in the center and encase it with the mashed potatoes mixture, forming a ball.
Coat with Breadcrumbs and roll each ball to ensure an even coating.
Fry to Golden Perfection:
Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan over medium heat.
Fry the golden prawn balls until they achieve a crispy, golden-brown exterior.
Ingredient: Sweet Chilli Sauce
2 tbsp tomato,
3 tbsp sweet chili sauce.
1 tbsp strawberry jam
4 tbsp water.
Combine and mix well to ready to serve.

Apple Cinnamon Mantou

Apple Cinnamon Mantou 
Soft and fluffy Cinnamon Mantou shaped like apples. I add McCormick Ground Cinnamon and sugar to my mantou for a cinnamon kick yummy fragrant indeed.  It is 100% pures flavor, with no added fillers. Thanks to #McCormick Cinnamon Ground.

  • 250g Pau flour
  • 2-3 teaspoon McCormick Cinnamon ground. 
  • 5 g Instant yeast
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • 50g castor  sugar
  • 140ml water (plus and minus)
  • 15 g corn oil 
  • In a bowl mix together all the ingredient. I use hand knead until a dough is form.
  • Let the dough rise until double (estimated 45-50  minutes)
  • Remove air from the dough and divide the dough @ 60 gram each
  • Allow it to proof for 10-15 minutes  or double.
  • Roll in apple shape brush red edible colour for apple and brown color for the apple stem.
  • Colour/brush the proof apple and steaming for 10 minutes.

Daisy Floral Steam Buns


Daisy Floral Steam Buns

  • Ingredient A - Pau Skin (Yield 10-12 steam buns)
  • 250 gram Blue Key Pau Flour
  • 1-2 teaspoon Star Brand Pandan Flavour
  • 50 gram Castor Sugar
  • 20 g Shortening or corn oil 
  • 5 gram Instant yeast
  • 100 ml water (plus or minus until become a soft dough)
  • Ingredient - (Daisy Floral and Leaves)
  • Star brand - a drop or two of Red coloring 
  • Star brand - a drop or two of Green coloring
    Fillings: Red Bean paste (store bought)
  • Method : To prepare the pau skin,
  • Mix ingredient A until forming a dough that doesnt stick to your palm 
  • and set aside and let it proof for 30 minutes.  
  • Knead to release air until the dough is smooth. Use roughly 60 grams dough, Shape pink for flower & Shape Green for leaves base on your own creativity.
  •  Cover with damp cloth and set aside. 
  • Shape the remaining dough into a small ball  roughly @40grams each. Roll to flatten and add in fillings, then pleat to seal. Decor leaves and flowers on the surface of the buns. 
  • Set aside cover with a damp cloth. Continue the process until complete. 
  • Steam buns for 10 minutes. That's it. Done. 

Kek Gulung Polko Dots


Kek Gulung Polko Dots 
Bahan - Bahan A : Motif Corak  
  • 1 biji telur 
  • 35 g tepung kek
  • 20 g gula kastor 
  • 1 sudu tepung susu 
Bahan pewarna  
20 gram setiap adunan warna Hijau.Merah, Kuning dan Biru

Penyediaan adunan motif corak 
  • Gunakan pengadun tangan elektrik  pukul semua bahan A sehingga tahap kental. 
  • Bahagikan adunan dalam 4 mangkuk kecil, sambil masukkan setitek pewarna dan gaul hingga rata,  masukkan kedalam beg piping dan ikat ketat.
  • Paipkan bentuk bulat atas kertas minyak di atas dulang pembakar. 
  • Bakar pada suhu 150c selama 1 minit. Angkat dan ketepikan.
 Bahan Bahan B : Inti Kek
  • 150 ml  Non Dairy whip cream
  • 20 gram gula kastor 
  • 2 pek kecil Biscuit Munchy Oat Krunch Strawberry & Blackcurrant 
  • 1 pek of NIPS Peanuts (tambah mengikut keperluan)
Penyediaan. Bahan Bahan B : Inti Kek
  • Gunakan pengadun tangan elektrik pukul whip cream dan gula kastor sehingga kembang. Simpan dalam peti sejuk sehingga diperlu. 
Kek Gulung Polko Dots
Bahan-Bahan  C
  • 4 telur kuning  (Grade B)
  • 20 g gula Kastor 
  • 50 ml minyak jagung  
  • 50 ml susu 
  • 80 gram Tepung Kek 
  • 1-2 sudu Vanilla extract 
Bahan-Bahan  D
  • 4 putih telur  
  • 1/4 sudu kecil krim of tartar
  • 60 gram gula kastor 
  • 1 titek perwarna strawberi
Tetapan Oven:
  • Loyang 9"x11"
  • Suhu Oven 180c- 20 minit (Api atas dan bawah.)
  • Note: Atau mengikut kepanasan oven masing masing. 
Cara - Cara : Penyediaan
Gaulkan Bahan-Bahan C :
  • Kuning telur, gula kastor, minyak, susu dan tepung kek, vanilla ekstrak sehingga sebati.
  • Pukul bahan -bahan D hingga kembang kental hingga tahap ribon.
  • Kaupkan bahan C dan D dengan spatula hingga gaul rata secara perlahan sehingga rata.
  • Tuang aduan ke dalam loyang motif corak tadi.
  • Bakar selama 20 minit atau mengikut kepanasan oven masing masing.
  • Keluarkan dari oven dan letak diatas redai selama 5 minit.
  • Sapukan whip cream dan letakkan Biskut Munchy Oats Krunch Strawberry & Blackcurrent, diikuti dengan NIPS chocolate peanuts kemudian gulung hingga rapi. Sejukan dalam peti sejuk sekurangnya 2 jam.
  • Taburkan NIPS peanut diatas Swiss Roll supaya corak nampak lebih menarik. Selamat mencuba jangan tak cuba.


Glutinous Rice Dumpling


Glutinous Rice Dumpling

Preparing bamboo leaves and hemps string. 
Soak bamboo leaves and hemp string together, rinse a few time, ensure it is soak in deep water for overnight. Wash and rinse thru water a few times the next morning. Wipe soak overnight bamboo leaves.

Ingredient ( To soak 6 hours.)
1.5 kg Glutinous Rice 
15 pieces Mushroom 
15 pieces Chestnuts   
8 salted egg yoke. (cut into halves)

Braised Pork Belly 
500 gm 3 layers pork belly ( Cut into chunk size)
1 cinnamon stick 
4 star anise
6 pip garlic 
1 litre  water
cooking oil 

Seasoning for Fillings 
1 tbsp Chinese five spice powder
1 tsp pepper ( a few dashes)
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp sugar 
1 tbsp  chicken stock granules
1 tbsp sesame oil
1-2 tbsp dark soy sauce

Mixed pork belly and seasoning to marinate best overnight..
Heat up claypot, add in cooking oil saute garlic, star anise, cinnamon stick till fragrant. 
Add stir fry marinated pork, mushroom and chestnut till fragrant. 
Add in water and allow it to boil. When the water starts to boil lower the heat and simmer until cook.(40-50 minutes Dish up and set aside until needed. Best overnight. 

Preparing Glutinous rice 
1.5 kilogram Soak Glutinous rice
6 slices shallots
50 grams pounded soak dry prawns 

3 tablespoons of oyster sauce
1 tablespoon chicken granules powder 
1 teaspoon five spice powder
1 tablespoon  salt
2 tablespoon dark soy sauce

Heat up a wok, add in cooking oil, saute shallots and pounded dry prawns saute.
Add in glutinous rice, seasoning, stir  fry until well combine.  Taste according to preference. Dish up  (set aside)

Preparing the bamboo leaves
Soak bamboo leaves and hemp string together, rinse a few time and soak in deep water overnight. wash and rinse thru water a few times the next morning. 
Wipe soak overnight bamboo leaves.

Stack 2 leaves on top of each other. Ensure smooth side of the leaves are facing you.
Focus on the center point and fold into a cone shape. 
Add fillings, press it to firmly. Wrap leaves close towards the fillings to seal a cone shape. 
Tighten both sides of the leaves to secure the sides.  tap tap and fold the corners into triangle cone shape. Grip tight, using a hemp string wrap it 2 round and secure with a knot. 
Trim off excess string and  leaves.  That's it.

Pressure Cook Glutinous rice Dumpling 
Close the lid and start my 45 minutes the moment my pressure cooker  stud pops up. 
After 40-45 minutes remove and hanger to release excess water. That's it.