Rendang Daging Bersama Nasi Serai

Serai memang herba yang sangat hebat, bukan hanya untuk kegunaan kuliner tetapi juga untuk manfaat kesihatannya. Jika anda penggemar serai, anda pasti akan menyukai Nasi Serai. Resipi Nasi Serai ini hasil gabungan beras, rempah kewangiannya, santan, daun pandan, serai, serta tambahan Seri-Aji® Chicken Flavour Fried Rice Seasoning dari AJI-NO-MOTO® yang menjadikan nasi serai membangkit selera dengan tahap kelazatan yang istimewa. Dimakan bersama Rendang Daging, ini barulah Raya! Terima kasih kepada Ajinomoto dan Smartcooking atas perkongsian resipi ini. Resipi ini wajib dicuba, baik sekarang mahupun selamanya
Nasi Serai
3 tbsp Ghee
1/2 stalks Cinnamon Sticks
1/2 no Star Anise
1 no Cardamom
1 string Pandan Leaf
1/2 no Red Onion, chopped
2 1/2 clove Garlic, chopped
1 inch Ginger, sliced
4 stalks Lemongrass, grinded
3 cups Rice, soaked for 1 hour and drained
1 1/4 tbsp Seri-Aji® Chicken Flavour Fried Rice Seasoning 72g
75 ml Thick Coconut Milk
2 1/2 cup Water
1 cup Pandan Water (juice)
1 Melt ghee in a heated pot, stir-fry cinnamon, star anise, cardamom and pandan leaf until fragrant.
2 Add red onion, garlic, ginger and lemongrass, stir-fry until fragrant and browned.
3 Add rice and stir-fry for a while. Transfer to an electric rice cooker.
4 Add Seri-Aji® Chicken Flavour Fried Rice Seasoning 72g, add thick coconut milk, water and pandan water. Stir well, press the switch and let it cook.
5 Ready to be served.
6 Tips: After the rice is cooked, use a fork or chopsticks to loosen the rice so that the rice does


Rendang Daging
1/4 cup Cooking oil
1/2 cup Coconut Milk
1/4 cup Water
1 pcs Kaffir Lime Leaves
1/4 tsp AJI-NO-MOTO®
3/4 tsp Salt
15 g Palm Sugar, Grated
1 1/2 tbsp Toasted Grated Coconut
250 g Beef, cut into cube and cleaned
1 1/2 strings Turmeric Leaf, thinly sliced
Ingredients A: Grinded
4 Shallot
4 cloves Garlic
7 1/2 strings Dried Chili, boiled
1 inches Ginger
1 inches Galangal
1 stalks Lemongrass
2 inches Fresh Turmeric
1 1/2 Candlenut
1/4 cup Water

1 Blend all ingredients (A) evenly.
2 Heat oil in a pot, stir-fry grinded ingredients (A) until fragrant and the oil separates.
3 Add beef, coconut milk, water and kaffir lime leaf. Cook until the meat is tender.
4 Season with AJI-NO-MOTO®, salt and palm sugar.
5 Add toasted coconut, cook until the oil separates.
6 Add turmeric leaf, stir until the sauce thickens slightly.
7 Ready to serve.