Nyonya Tamarind Fish Soup/ Kong Assam Soup


Fish In Tamarind Soup / Kong Assam Fish

The soup is sweet, salty and spicy rich is lemongrass aromatic. This recipe will sure to help enhance your appetite for more! Sourish and spicy from the tamarind,chilly and nutrition from the fish meat, truely appetizing soup one may not want to miss. 

Fish In Tamarind Soup / Kong Assam Fish

5  Fish Kembong (Mackeral, patu fish ) 
6 pcs tamarind peels
6 dry chillies (Soak in hot water)
6 stalks lemongrass (smash)
100 grams shallot
1 piece shrimp paste 
1000 ml water 
1 tablespoon fish sauce 
1 tablespoon sugar 
1 tsp salt to taste

1. Heat up a pot of boiling water, add in all the ingredients 
2. Add fish and let it simmer 10 min or until fish is cooked. 
3. Taste  sweet, salty and sourish as per prefence. Dish up.