Steamed Glutinous rice 

150 g Glutinous flour 
40 g Wheat starch
15 g Tapioca flour
130 g Sugar
210 g Water
1/2 tsp oil 
1 tsp red  color mix with 3 tbsp water
1 tsp vanilla paste.    

For Dusting 
30 g Glutinous flour  
Bring to a frying pan slowly and lightly fry for 5-8 minutes and set aside

In a mixing bowl add ... sift your flours and mix well (set aside)
Bring water to a boil add in sugar stir till diluted and set aside to cool. 
When sugar syrup is cool add into flours, add  a tsp vanilla paste. keep stirring until no lumps.    
(Sift the batter for precaution so it is not lumpy)

Preparing you steamer tray
Using  27cm x 27cm square tray. I use aluminium foil and lay on the tray and slightly grease.

Preparing the steamer

Bring water to boil in a steamer  with an empty tray in the steamer.
When the water starts to boil hot.....stir the batter then pour slowly on the steamer tray.
Close the lid and allow to boil for 15 minutes  (counting from when you closed the lid.)
Steam for 15 minutes (Do not open the lid)
Removed from steamer, gently  brush coloring on the surface till evenly 
Set aside to rest for 5 minutes only starts to roll.
Dust lightly fried glutinous rice... all area, evenly coated and shake off the excess flour
Allow it  cool down and cut according to own preference size.