260 g Bread flour (sieve)
100 g Castor Sugar
1/2  tsp salt
1 tsp instant  dry yeast
150 - 160 ml warm milk =(1 tbsp dry powder milk + 160 ml  warm water )

30 g butter
1 egg + water lightly beaten and sift.
40   g bread flour for dusting

Use 5 tbsp warm milk to combine with instant dry yeast, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp flour mixed till dissolve and set aside for 10 minutes till reach foamy bubble)

In a mixing bowl combine bread flour, sugar, salt and yeast mixed with a wooden spoon till well combine and dough ball is formed..

You may find it very sticky ..continue to knead with your hands dusting some bread flours bit by bit until you reach a soft smooth  and add in your butter .

Continue to knead till it is incorporate and passed the "window pane test"and  form a round ball dough.

Place the dough in a lightly greased mixing bowl, cover with a damp cloth and set aside to rise proof till double in size. 
(take around 1 hour)

After 1st proofing
Take the dough and push gently to deflate the gas from the dough,   
knead into a stretchable and smooth dough.   

Cut into 12 equal pieces about 50 g each and form into small balls.
roll each dough using your palm n roll in circle on the table top until smooth 

Lightly grease a chiffon aluminum foil mould and place the dough ball inside leaving 5 cm gap between the balls. 

Cover with a damp cloth and set aside to rise proof till double in size. 
 (take around 1 hour)
Brush the surface with egg wash and  it's ready to be baked.

Preheat oven to 180°C.  

Place buns into the preheated oven and bake for about 25-30 minutes or until buns are cooked through.

Transfer the buns onto a wire rack to cool.

Serve warm or at room temperature.