Steamed Layer Cake ( 9 Layer Kueh Lapis) (1)

Nostalgic  Kueh Lapis I would say if I may. Family morning breakfast snack from my childhood choice from mum. There are a few different type of recipes, taste and texture, that I make and I got to say this is recipe is my nearest choice of my taste for now. Savouring the soft QQ chewiness layer by layers... Let's eat.

Ingredient A
280g sugar
500ml Water

500 ml coconut milk =
( 200 ml Kara Brand coconut milk + 300ml water )
1/4 tsp of salt
6 pandan leaves

Ingredient B
350g Tapioca flour
100g Pure Rice flour
50g Sago flour
500ml Water

20 Pandan leaves
a drop of green colouring


In a pot of 500ml boiling water add sugar and pandan boil slowly till sugar dissolved. Turn off heat leave aside to cool.

Mix tapioca, rice and sago flour  together and gradually mixed with coconut milk with a hand whisk. Then strain mixture through a sieve to ensure fully dissolve.

Add  batter with syrup till well combine and lumps free (sieve if possible)

Divide mixture in 3 equal portions and add desire colouring into two, keeping one portion white.

1st  portion - white batter
2nd portion - Add pandan thick juice
3rd portion - Add pandan thick juice & a drop of artificial dark green colour)

(You may use colour according to own preference either using natural colour or artificial colouring )

Grease a 7 inch square cake pan and place in steaming pot with boiling water  for 5 minutes minutes over high heat.

We are ready to steam

Pour about 160 ml of white liquid into the heated pan and steam at high heat for about 4 minutes or until batter is cooked.

Then add 2nd layer 160 ml of natural green pandan colour, steam for 4 minutes

Then add 3rd layer 160 ml of darker  green pandan colour, steam for  4 minutes


Repeat the procedure, alternating white, natural green and darker green until finished totality of 9 layers. Remembering to stir the batter each time before pouring out the batter to steam each time.
To the last layer (9th layer ) steam for about 15 -20 mins till the surface is fully cooked
Leave Kuih Lapis to cool completely after steamed and invert the cake pan to knock out Kuih Lapis
I used a plastic cake knife to cut. and use a little oil to brush on the  surface as gloss finishing.
That's it. Done