Pickle Papaya

1 Green unripe papaya, seeded, skin removed and cut into halves and grated in slices.

1 tablespoon salt
6 bird’s eye chili
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup sugar

Method :
Sliced /Grate papaya thinly as preferred.
Mixed with 1 tbsp salt for 15 minutes or more until papaya turn soft. then wash away the salt water.
Drain excess liquid away water from papaya till completely dry.
 (very important step)

Put the pieces of papaya in a clean mixing bowl.
Mixed papaya with vinegar, sugar and cili padi into a bowl
Allow to marinate for about 5-6 hours before jarring.
Store the pickle in the fridge for an extra crunchy taste.
Best to be eaten at least 24 hours and if you find not sour or sweet enough please add according to preferences.
and cut and sprinkle assam boi on the pickle papaya and chill it back in the fridge 15 -30  minutes before eating.