This is the front view of my yam cake

This is the bottom view

This is where we planted our yam plants..not many but good enough for our own consumption .

Yam Cake

Ingredients A 

350g rice flour
30g tapioca starch
30g wheat starch
5 cups water
150gm yam (Steamed and Mash up)
1 1/2tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp five spices powder
1 tbsp sugar

Ingredient  B

40g dry shrimp (stir fry)
250gm Yam cut into cubes (Stir fry)
Mixed ingredient A and keep stiring till become a paste
Pour into greased mould and steam for 1hour depend on the thickness
Leave to cool on cooling rack for an hour or two before cut.

Note : Test and taste before steaming
I use 8 inches pans